
How it all started p6

It's 26th of November 2012

I had a sleep over at my mom's that night

I woke up from voices of my phone no it wasn't a phone call
It was my cousins group talking in whatsapp in the morning -.- 

With one eye opened I put my phone on Silent then went back to sleep

Not long till mom's phone rang .. 

Half awake .. Half asleep 

I hear some mumbles .. 

Finally I was fully awaked .. just as my mom almost hung up 

Mom : That was the Ministry calling you acceptance papers are finally here 
Me : Yaay Finaallyy !! Thaaank God .. So when are we taking them ?
Mom : They said to come tomorrow morning 

I've told everyone I love .. Danced the victory dance from happiness

Come on I was waiting for it for a long time now !!!

And the problem is that I had an acceptance for october but they didn't tell me nor sent it! 

This information I knew from doctor Amar since I wrote to him and he contacted Rasha 

After Rasha's reply he forwarded to me .. but if i had an acceptance once the other one should be easy in my opinion 

Anyways they know the reasons whatever they are .. I appreciate their efforts anyways 

I Got my acceptance papers and that's what's important 

so the second morning 
November 27, 2012 

Got ready and went to MOHE - Ministry of Higher Education- 

4th floor .. straight then left .. 

There were two girls there that day .. 
One I've seen before but directed me to Hind and the other one I've seen but never talked to 
Hind wasn't there that day .. 
I don't remember which girl i've talked to because .. well ..  I just don't xD

Me : Hello I'm here to take my acceptance letter .. since you contacted me yesterday
Her : What's your name ?
Me : Fatemah 
Her : Flaaanaaa check the papers inside if you have acceptance for Fatemah 
Girl : Yeah I think they printed it already I'll prepare them for you
Her : Fatemah ? Ok here is your papers
Mom : Thank you .. so what should we do now ?!
Her : Go to the IDP they'll tell you what to do when you finish come here
Me : What is the IDP ?!
Her : The IDP you don't know it ? Ok I'll give you their card 

Me looking like -.- 

The card is another story itself xD the translation sucks !! 

So I called IDP they were open till 1 

IDP by the way is the office who applies for student visa and certified to give ielts exam as well

So we went to Salmiya - Al.Rabea Complex 2nd floor 
The girl I talked in the phone came and gave me the papers I need

The papers were Medical examination papers I needed to have so I could apply for the visa

She told me to bring pink slip 
The money needed in cash 
My passport
And my acceptance paper

Then I went back home ;p

Next Post I'll start with the medical examination .. 

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