

اسم الكتاب : عيناها 
للكاتبة : علياء فاضل الكاظمي 
الطبعة الرابعة 2011
عدد الصفحات : 248
من مكتبة جرير 

الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة قصصية 
احتوى الكتاب على 40 قصة قصيرة 

النبذة من خلف الكتاب هي عبارة عن
الصفحة الاخيرة من القصة الاخيرة 

و التي بالمناسبة القصة نفسها التي كتبت عنوانا للكتاب 
"عيناها "

و هذا الغلاف من الامام و الخلف : 

أما رأيي في الكتاب 

فقد خاب ظني كثيرا 
قرأت من قبل سنة تقريبا كتاباً اخر لها و برايي كان أفضل
فهذا الكتاب على الرغم من احتوائه على عدد كبير نسبيا من القصص
و بعض القصص التي لا بأس بها 

لكن هناك قصصا جعلتني امل من القراءة 
و نهاياتها لم تعجبني على الاطلاق

و كانت كذلك قصصا لا بأس بهم كـ : 
لمياء عبدالسلام

و هناك غيرهم ايضا لكن فضلت ان اكتب ٣ اسماء فقط 

شيئا اعجبني بالكتاب ان الكاتبة استوحت بعض القصص من الواقع

بالنهاية كان الكتاب لا بأس به و مجهود يشكر عليه 


Kuwait ♡

This is my first time to be out of Kuwait 

in it's National and Liberation Day

I miss this celebration very much

Kuwait I wish you all the best




Its your Day 

Ps : Please send me links of pictures to share :(

I really would like to see the celebration in my country while I'm abroad

Share them via Twitter please ;p 



Off to Australia p3

So Here we are again 

The plane landed at Dubai 

We have 3 and a half hours to spend in the airport

It looked different to me since I haven't been to Dubai airport since summer 2009-2010 
After 9th grade I mean

We had to check in to get our seat numbers at first 

After that we had a look around.

Went to duty free and bought a magazine and a book I'll be writing my feed back about after I finish reading it.

Almost an hour or so left for the gate to open.

So we went to sit near the gate.

Chatted a little with friends and family.

Then time to go in ;p 

Went in .. sat a little until the crew started to call us by the order of the seats.

We're in :P 

EK - 404 -
Dubai to Singapore/Melbourne (Australia)
About 17 hours

I don't remember what meals they gave us exactly but they were all good ;p
And the snack I don't know about because I fell a sleep after the first meal xD 

First I finished watching :

Here comes the boom 

It was good I guess.

After that I watched Hotel Transylvania

I liked it .. It was pretty funny !

I woke up couple of times because of the annoying kid who wouldn't stop crying !!

Then after 5 hours - I think-  I was really up

Ate lunch I guess and rewinded the rest of the film that I slept while it was running xD

The flight was about 10 hours 

I got a gift in that flight as well ;p

I was still dizzy when a cute girl from the crew came to wish me luck in my studies.
Apparently she was talking with my mom when I was  a sleep.

She said goodbye as we were going out.
As well as the young man from the crew

After that we had to stop at Singapore airport.

They let us down to clean the airplane and change the crew

So we went out into the airport 

Got into the rest rooms to freshen up.

I've noticed they had recycle bins that looked amazingly interesting.
Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of them.

But I found the pic in google :P

I liked the idea of it.

After maybe 30 min the gate opened again

They asked us to show our visa with the passports 

And Off we went ;p

Next Post 

The rest of the Flight 


Hello Australia ;p


من لهيب الشوق

اسم الكتاب : من لهيب الشوق ... 
ابتدا امره
للكاتب : يوسف جاسم رمضان
الطبعة الثانية على الغلاف 2013
الطبعة الاولى على الصفحة الاولى 2012
عدد الصفحات : 507
من دار ابن النفيس

طبعاً أغلبكم عارف الكتاب اذا مو كلكم 
حتى لو مو قارينه

بكتب راي على طول 

صح الكتاب مقصر نحويا  من ناحية اللغة 
فنشوف انه خليط من العامي و الفصحى 

لكن برايي الكاتب اخذه بنفس أسلوب لما صديق او صديقة تروي لنا احداث من حياتها لنا

محتواه بشكل عام جيد
بجوفه نصايح و عبر و مواعظ 

للي يقول الكتاب جريء 
صح الكتاب جريء واااايد واايد مو شوي 
و في أحداث مادري ان كانت لازم تنكتب ولا لا

بس لكل شخص اسبابه ان كان من ابطال القصة 
او حتى من وجهة نظر الكاتب

قصة حب جميلة عاشوها .. 
فيها اهتمام .. عتب .. جروح 

للي يقول ان الكلام طلع المجتمع بصورة مشوهة و هالاشياء غير موجودة 
فأقول لكم اصابع اليد مو سوا .. 
هالاشياء يا ان صج ما شفتوها او سمعتوها 
او انكم تفضلون انكم تغلقون أعينكم بنفسكم و تتظاهرون العمى 
و هالاشياء اللي كتبها مو بس بمجتمعنا بل بمجتمعات ثانية وايد بعد

قد تكون صنفت للبعض بأنها للمراهقين 
نعم فهي قد تفيد المراهقين كثيرا في هذا العمر 
ففي الكتاب مواعظ لهم 
ليعرفوا و يفهموا بأن ليس الجميع سواسية 
و ليس لكل البشر فكرة واحدة عن الحب 
الا يفكروا ببراءتهم و حب عفيف بشكل مفرط لكي لا ينخدعوا
فهناك اناس .. و هناك ذئاب بشرية 

الكتاب و القصص احتوت معاني كثيرة 
و مشاعر كثيرة 
بين أحزان و أفراح 

و الاهم المواعظ اللي فيها !

للتواصل مع الكاتب عبر Twitter : 

حساب الرواية : 


Off to Australia p2

Emirates - EK 854 - 
Kuwait - Dubai 3:50 AM
For 1:30 hours

It was AMAZING !!!!!

I met a cabin crew member that was so cute !!

Her name is Asma I talked to her a little while we were waiting to be seated.

She first asked me about my studies and which country and if its my first time and how old am I and so ;p 

She literally spoiled me and I LOVED it !! 

At first we had a seat and put our seat belts on .. 
Just about when the plane wanted to start moving .. 
Asma started giving out the monsters supposedly to the children but I got one too :p

Actually I got the purple monster but I already had it before and I had it hanged on my laptop bag :p

So I asked her if she could change it. 

Asma : Of course what color would you like ?
Me : It's ok anything blue or green it doesn't make a difference
(as I saw the tray that had the toys have blue and green colors)

She went somewhere then as she came back to check the seat belts she asked me to wait for a minute and she'll bring the toy after a bit.

Instead of bringing 1 she brought all the other colors !!
Blue - Green - Yellow the three of them !

Later she came with an instant camera and took 
1 picture me alone 
2 pictures of mom and me 

She had them put into frames and wrote me a memory above one of the pictures ♡

I was spoiled by her and the other cabin crew as well.
Especially from Asma ..
And another girl - unfortunately I don't remember her name but I remember that she had a dream to study in Paris - That gave me advice. 
Girls I really do appreciate it a lot !

Almost more than half way passed when Asma came with a goodies bag ready for us.

It had traveling samples, water and chocolates .. etc .. 
All as doubles as she said it was for me and mom.

She had this ready for me to wish me good luck 

I wrote her a thank you letter .. and she did wrote me a letter as well.. we swapped the letters while talking a bit when we wanted to go off the plane.

I'm really lucky that I met her 
And very honored that we still keep in touch.

BTW I watched the movie : Here comes the Boom on the plane 
and continued the last 15 min maybe on the other flight.

We had eggs with spinach and cheese and a sausage for breakfast with side dishes of a salad, fruits , crackers and croissant .

3:50 AM according to Kuwait Timing 

Hello Dubai !!

Next up Dubai airport ;p 



اسم الكتاب : دانة 
لكل حكاية حب .. بداية و نهاية 
للكاتبة : موضي الرباح
الطبعة الاولى 2012
عدد الصفحات : 169
لدار بلاتينيوم بوك

محتوى القصة كان مختلفا الى حد ما 
من الفكرة التي رسمتها بخيالي
خاب ظني ببعض الاحيان حيث توقعت الاحداث
و مرات اخرى تفاجأت 

نهاية متوقعة نوعا ما الا ان احداث ما قبل النهاية لم اتوقعها

قصة تعبر عن العشق 
عشق الاقارب 
عشق الاصدقاء
عشق شريف ! عشق حبيب

سواد الانتقام 
سر وراء اسباب القدر

و كيف للتسامح ان يتسلل للقلوب و يمسح الضغينة

قصة جميلة 
راقت لي 


Chinese New Year 2013


9th February 2013

We went and saw a show 

that was made to celebrate the 

Chinese New Year 

The year of the Snake !!

It was a nice celebration 

These are some pictures :p 
They're not in order 
But you'll figure them out lol

The best show was The one with dragons ;p
