
Group Story 2

Like the previous post that I've linked above
 this is a new story that we've written as a group

If your new to this then let me tell you what should we do.
We have to create a story containing the pictures that are given.

The pictures given are : 

- A Castle
- An Umbrella
- A glass of wine which we used as glass of water
- A Crying Lady

Late one night while the family was eating dinner in the castle, 
they heard someone knocking hard on the front door. 
The lady of the house ordered the servant to open the door. 
She saw a little boy fainted on the floor, soaked in rain water with a broken umbrella next to him. Suddenly the servant ran back to the lady and asked her to come with her to the door. 
The lady felt sad for him and told the servant to carry him inside the castle and get him warm. 
She stayed next to him till morning. After he woke up, she gave him some food and a glass of water. He told her his story, it was so sad that the lady started to cry.

This was written by :
Kwaka Tu
Eh Mwee Say

On Feb. 18th 2013


Quote of the Week

ليسَ هُنالكْ أنصاف خَطايا،
وَلا أنصَاف ملذّات،
لِذلكْ لا يوجد مكانٌ ثالث بينْ الجنّة وَالنار،
  فعلينا تفاديا لِلحسابات الخاطِئة أن ندخُل أحدهما بجدارة.
أحلام مستغانمي
أديبة وروائية جزائرية


Group Story

Hello again,
So today I'm going to show you some of our school work.
Hopefully you're going to see more of it in the future.
I know I'm late in posting thats kind of being a usual thing for regular readers of this blog.
But I'm really trying my best to manage my time to post when I can or at least prepare a post and time it.
So let me tell you what we do in Group Stories :
We have to create a story containing the pictures that are given.
We are usually a group of 3 or 4.
And we have to use all of the pictures but in any order we choose.
Also sometimes we need to use some grammer structures that were given.
Lets start!
The pictures given are :
- A Gun
- A bunch of flowers
- A Spider
- A house near the ocean
One day as I was passing by a house near the ocean,
 I saw a guy asking for help.
I was scared when I saw him because he was drenched in blood.
Apparently he was in a gun fight.
Although I was terrified by the way he looked,
I quickly called the police for an ambulance.
After 15 minutes an ambulance arrived and took us to the hospital.
As soon as we arrived at the hospital,
the doctor took him to surgery to remove the bullet.
I bought him a bunch of flowers to give to him when he came out.
When I gave him the flowers,
he screamed as loud as he could and threw the flowers on the floor.
All the doctors and nurses gathered to see what was wrong.
Apparently there was a huge spider on the flowers.
Now the spider was injured too and I got thrown out of the hospital.
This was written by :
Eh Mwee Say
Kawaka Tu

11Feb 2013


Off to Australia p4

So here we are again. 
Heading to Australia, Melbourne Tullamarine Airport to be precice. 

In this flight I didn't get any sleep 

Instead I watched couple of movies

First movie was : 

Pitch Perfect

That was ok Not a must to see -.-

And the second movie was :

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Now that movie I liked 
It had a nice story
And interesting to watch.

Of course they brought us meals that I don't remember now :p
But they were all delicious.
Including the snacks.

When the movies were over 
Not much time was left to see another movie.

So I just watched some TV series like : 

2 Broke Girls
The big bang theory
And some disney series as well

We arrived earlier than expected to Melbourne

I think the flight was meant to be there at 8:35 AM

And we landed at 8:05 AM

If I wasn't mistaken.

Any ways before we land they gave us this yellow slip of paper.
An English one .. but this is an arabic one for the arabic readers :p
And the future Scholarists ;p

We finally got off the plane.

We went and took our luggage.
Guides and Help are all over.
And also there are some people who come and ask you if you have any food
or anything from the list that you checked in.
And after that they stamp on your yellow card.

Long line to wait until our turn is up.

After the Australians were in they opened another path for us 

Now any citizen could go to national or the Australian row.

They ask you couple of questions like the one  
written in the card.

Compare your passport pic to you :p

And let you in.

If you had an online passport that didn't show.
They take you to a counter next by them just to check and then let you in.

On your way out of the luggage and passport area they take the yellow card from you.

If you need any help you could ask the counter with the volunteers 

They are actually for universities but they come and ask you 

If you need any help or assistance even though your not a student.

After that we bought a sim card and went for breakfast at Nando's 

until the bus came since I need to go to 

Bendigo Airport Station

After we finished eating breakfast.

We went just out the airport to where the bus is going to come and waited there.

The Bendigo Airport Station Bus arrived

We bought a ticket and off we went.

It was a 2 hour trip till the station.

The bus driver called a taxi so we could go home.

Yaay finally arrived.

Took a shower to freshen up.

Then went out to open an account and enroll at Tafe.

Then home to sleep !! 

That's all folks ;p


مذكرات قتيل الهوى

اسم الكتاب : مذكرات قتيل الهوى
للكاتب : عبدالله غازي المضف
الطبعة الاولى 2012
عدد الصفحات : 140
من ذات السلاسل

كتاب يستفزك للانتهاء منه بجلسة
ان تلتهم حروفه و تسبق السطور للنهاية

استغربت من عدم وجود اسماء في القصة نهائياً
قد يكون هذا الشيء مربكا احيانا
لكن نجح الكاتب فيها في هذه القصة

على الرغم من ان القصة بسيطة
الا انني احببتها و استمتعت في قراءتها


Maryam's Gallery

I would like to invite you to my aunts gallery at 
Talent Group Exhibition.

Under the name of :
Maryam's Gallery

Booth no: 70 

She's a photographer and this is her first time participating in an exhibition.

It starts from the 5th till the 9th of March

in ACK 

Morning hours : From 9:30 AM till 1 PM
Evening hours : From 4 PM till 10:30 PM

Thank you for your attendance and support in advance.
We really would love your feed back.

Thank you.

يسعدني دعوتكم لحضور المشاركة الاولى لخالتي في معرض مجموعة مواهب 

ستقوم بعرض  بعض من الصور التي التقطتها 
في بوث رقم : 70
تحت اسم :
Maryam's Gallery

يبدأ المعرض من ٥ الى ٩ مارس 

في الكلية الاسترالية 

الفترة الصباحية : من 9 صباحا الى  1:30 ظهراً
 الفترة المسائية : من 4 الى  10:30مساء 

شكرا مقدما لحضوركم و دعمكم 
يسعدنا تلقي آرائكم و انتقاداتكم 

Twitter : @M_Mesri
Instagram : @M_Mesri

The Gallery's Location is in red
الموقع موجود بالاحمر 

 You can use this to share and advertise in Instagram and Twitter
تستطيعون استخدام هذه الصورة للاعلان في تويتر و انستقرام