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Glailba Show - قليلبة
برنامج قليلبة
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Quote of the Week
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
you'll start having positive results.
3rd year blogging
I haven't been posting lately because I actually came back to kuwait for vacation
I'll be posting the missing posts as soon as I can
Anyways I didnt want to miss this day without posting a little post
Since today I completed the third year blogging ❤❤
Years really do pass by fast
Quote of the Week
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
خمبلة: مدرسة علوم المرجلة | Khambalah: Manhood Academy
A funny video that I liked
wanted to share with you
The Ideal Dream
A Dream of a Little Girl
Part Two
Melissa was actually two months pregnant
when she tested positive. She was just starting to notice
the symptoms but she couldn't wait to go shopping
for the baby. She didn't leave anything out. She bought clothes from head to toe. She started by buying two
pairs of shoes and socks, one outfit that looked like
a baby bear and a hat as well. She wanted to buy
more and more but she didn't know what sex the baby was.
Peter was very supportive of Melissa throughout her pregnancy. He put up with all her mood swings and crazy cravings. Peter was actually a good cook as well as being an accountant. He managed to cook most of Melissa's meals with a high nutritional value. He also put some food in the fridge or freezer, just incase he got home late or wasn't home, so Melissa could find something food and easy to eat. He was very careful and aware of the doctor's directions. Since Melissa had problems with keeping the fetus stable in the womb, she needed to rest and not lift any heavy things whatsoever.
To Be Continued ...
مرسى السلام
احبس الدمع في جوفي ولا يبان
و انا في داخلي حطب مشتعل نيران
بين الصراحة و الوقاحة يا حبيبي شتان
و المرجلة ماهي بتكسير مجاديف و احلام
لا جاك واحد يحمل حلمه و أهدافه يا فلان
عامله بالطيب و شجعه .. يعني كون انسان
لا تسيره مثل ما تبي او تحكم عليه بالاعدام
حط نفسك مكانه بالافراح و الاحزان
ترى هو ما جاك طالب رايك .. الا انه حس معك بالامان
كان واثق (ن) بتفكيرك و يبي منك حسن الكلام
ان كان هو صح .. او كان غلطان
عدل له مسيره و وجهه للامام
ولا تخدعه في حلو الكلام
و تعيشه باحلام المنام
لكن اكرر و اقول وجهه و خله يوصل الميناء و يرسي بسلام
The ideal dream
A Dream of a little girl
Being a mother was always her ideal goal since she was a five year old. She used to dress up in a beautiful gown that was made for her birthday party and put the table peice on her head then walked slowly towards her prince.
Now that she was pregnant with her first child, she couldn't feel more blessed. She already had a handsome prince who gave her the most beautiful wedding she could ever ask for. It literally was a fairytale wedding. The hall front door was covered in white roses as well as the ceiling from inside with crystal chandliers that had crystal ropes coming down from them. The carpet was velvet red just as she always wanted and a huge three layer cake that had three layers inside, chocolate, red velvet - ofcourse - and vanilla between each and every layer. It was all covered with a white coating and petals.
This pregnancy was a bit unexpected since they had been trying for several years with no result. It was Dr. Felicia who made them dare to dream again about having a little one. A friend of Melissa recommended them to see her because a lot was said about her being good in discovering the problem and treating it. At first Melissa hesitated but Peter her husband encouraged her to go. At the end, what could she loose ?!
After six months of treatment and five years of waiting Melissa was finally pregnant ! She was shopping with her sister when she fainted and after some blood tests she took to check, she really was pregnant ! You can't even imagine how overjoyed she was. The first thing she did was of course call her beloved husband and shout the words " I'm pregnant" as loud as she could. He was over the moon as well. Their dream of a happy little family was yet to come true.
This pregnancy was a bit unexpected since they had been trying for several years with no result. It was Dr. Felicia who made them dare to dream again about having a little one. A friend of Melissa recommended them to see her because a lot was said about her being good in discovering the problem and treating it. At first Melissa hesitated but Peter her husband encouraged her to go. At the end, what could she loose ?!
After six months of treatment and five years of waiting Melissa was finally pregnant ! She was shopping with her sister when she fainted and after some blood tests she took to check, she really was pregnant ! You can't even imagine how overjoyed she was. The first thing she did was of course call her beloved husband and shout the words " I'm pregnant" as loud as she could. He was over the moon as well. Their dream of a happy little family was yet to come true.
To be continued ...
Maybe :P
Maybe :P
Group Story 6
As the couple previous posts, this is w new short story we wrote at school .
This time we had the pictures of :
- An Alligator
- A Clock ( 10 to 2 p.m )
- Matches
- Money
An alligator was all he wished for to complete his farm.
He had already managed to have snakes,
kangaroos and paultry but he always wanted alligators.
This was his chance, since James was invited to an alligator farm by his friend.
There was going to be a display and the farmers would bid on the one they wanted the most.
He got up warly the next morning and the first thing he did was light up a cigarette with a match
. It was 10 to 2 when James left to go to the auction.
There he saw the most extravagant alligator he had ever seen in his life.
James, right away new that this was his pick and he went for it.
The bids on that alligator were really high
, luckily James bid all his money on it and won.
He finally got the alligator that he wished for.
By :
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